November 30, 2020

“Views” and “Add to favourites” features in

We are improving our service to make it not just a tool for traders but also a platform for professional communication.

Therefore, we have added to trader’s pages several social features. They help to see how popular a page is. With them, you can also create a personal list of interesting profiles. Functions are located close to each other in the interface: small icons in the upper right corner of each portfolio page.

"Views" function

Below the eye icon, the number of views on this portfolio page is displayed. All views of registered users from the moment of account creation are counted. The counter will allow you to determine how interesting your portfolio is to other participants.

The icon and views counter on the portfolio page

“Favorites” function

A little star in the upper left corner of the page will allow you to create a list of your favorite profiles. All pages that you mark by clicking on this icon will appear in your profile in the "Favorites" section.

If someone adds your page to favorites, you will know about it: the counter under the icon will change. The number of favorites also indicates the popularity of the profile.

The icon and addition counter on the portfolio page

List of favorite pages in the user’s profile

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